LaurenGrahamCherishesMatthewPerry's'JoyfulYear'BeforePassingLaurenGrahamCherishesMatthewPerry's'JoyfulYear'BeforePassingGiphy GIFGiphy GIF

Lauren Graham Cherishes Matthew Perry's 'Joyful Year' Before Passing

Lauren Graham reflects on the 'happy year' Matthew Perry had before his death, expressing how proud he was of his book and the happiness it brought him.
Graham shares her shock and grief over Perry's sudden passing and emphasizes the impact of his book.
Perry's cause of death is pending toxicology report, with initial autopsy suggesting apparent drowning.
Perry and Graham formed a friendship after working together on a film, and their bond is mentioned in both of their memoirs.
Perry's struggles with addiction and his journey to sobriety are detailed in his memoir.
A source reveals Perry's excitement and nervousness about the release of his memoir, as he opens up about his darkest days.