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Savannah Chrisley's Ex Died in Motorcycle Crash with Alcohol in System: Report

Savannah Chrisley’s late ex-fiancé, Nic Kerdiles, reportedly had alcohol in his system when he died from a fatal motorcycle accident earlier this year.
The Nashville medical examiner found evidence of ethanol in Kerdiles’ bloodstream after toxicology tests were completed.
Kerdiles’ blood alcohol level was about 0.124%, exceeding the legal limit of 0.08% for persons over the age of 21.
Kerdiles’ cause of death was ruled accidental, resulting from multiple blunt traumatic injuries.
Kerdiles died after crashing his motorcycle into a BMW sedan, having allegedly run through a stop sign.
Savannah Chrisley mourned Kerdiles’ passing and expressed her love for him via her Instagram Story.
On the one month anniversary of his death, Savannah Chrisley posted a tribute to Kerdiles on her Instagram Story.
Despite their breakup, Chrisley and Kerdiles remained friends.
Savannah Chrisley stated in November 2020 that she and Kerdiles were on good terms and that no decision is ever permanent.
Savannah Chrisley and Kerdiles briefly reconciled in 2021 before ultimately ending their relationship.